Fernanda Paes Leme revela ter ido ao ‘Dark Room” da Farofa da Gkay: “Vi como é que é”

A atriz Fernanda Paes Leme bateu um papo com o TV Fama na entrada do show de Sandy e Junior no Rio de Janeiro e fez uma revelação: disse que foi ao ‘Dark Room’ na Farofa da Gkay. #TVFama

How To Control Your Jealousy To Save Your Marriage

You recently discovered that your husband was having an affair. After going through the anguish of pain, anger and betrayal, you are attempting to rebuild your marriage. Yet every time you see him smile or laugh while talking to another woman you feel paranoid waves of jealousy.

Women Stop Blaming “The Other Woman”

It’s not always the other woman’s fault. She may have been kept in the dark as much as the wife has been. Sadly, there are a lot of women who do not want to lose their husbands so they believe the lies that are told to them. Contrary to popular opinion, the wife is ALWAYS the first to know if her husband is cheating. She may ignore the signs because she does not want to confront him and hear the truth, so she stays in the dark and pretend that nothing is going on.

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