Fernando usa até Casimiro para conquistar Leila, mas se dá mal | Vai Dar Namoro

Fernando tentou conquistar Leila dizendo que a relação deles seria tão especial que até Casimiro iria reagir ao amor deles. Não deu certo e ele levou um fora inesquecível.

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Relationship Advice – Infidelity Statistics: What Are The Chances of Cheating in Your Relationship?

It’s hard to think of any relationship as being a part of a statistic, however, many married couples these days are finding themselves stuck right in the middle of the infidelity statistics released recently. It’s no surprise many relationships, married or otherwise, end because one partner is cheating on the other. Here are some surprising, and not so surprising, infidelity statistics about marriage and other intimate relationships.

Can a Womanizer Be Faithful?

So some say that ‘reformed rakes make the best husbands’. Well that may not go down too well with women who have had to admit to themselves after say – nine years that the man she thought was a ‘reformed rake’, was simply a leopard with spots that won’t come out in the wash!

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