Filho de Gugu, João Augusto, poderá ser ouvido em audiência marcada para quinta-feira (22)

A próxima audiência do caso envolvendo os bens de Gugu está marcada para acontecer nesta semana, na quinta-feira (22). Para esta sessão no tribunal, o filho do apresentador, João Augusto, poderá ser intimado para ser ouvido. #TVFama

What Are Emotional Affairs All About?

An emotional affair or as otherwise known, emotional infidelity and emotional cheating, is an affair that does not involve any physical involvement from either party. In these kinds of affairs the individuals puts their emotional energy into it which can take it’s toll on one’s married life.

When Do Men Stop Cheating? Your 5 Leverage Points As His Wife Or Girlfriend

For a woman whose husband or boyfriend is cheating, every day can feel like walking on pins and needles. The anticipation of what he may be doing with her, what he is thinking about, and where his loyalties lie can be crippling at times. As his wife or girlfriend, if you are wondering when men stop cheating, here are your 5 leverage points for getting him to change.

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