João Guilherme, filho do apresentador Faustão – que divide o palco com o pai na Band – falou com o TV Fama sobre o futuro do programa. Há rumores dizendo que a atração sofrerá cortes no ano que vem. João, no entanto, disse não saber de muita coisa sobre mudanças: “As coisas mudam bastante, mas eu sei o mesmo que você [repórter]”, disse.
How You Can Successfully Survive After An Affair
Everyone puts in their two cents worth. Therapists, Counsellors, “Life Coaches”, Relationship “Experts”, your friends and family. Maybe even the postman?
Emotional Affair – The Journey From Temptation To Seduction To DestructionAnger and love are two relatives that never go to the same family reunion. They are emotions which inspire the best you feel and drag out the the worst you feel. Love doesn’t even qualify as an emotion all by itself if you base the definition on researcher Robert Plutchik’s basic list. Plutchik defines love as a combination of two emotions – joy and trust. That’s why when a partner is having an emotional affair, it feels so awful. Your love, your joy, your trust are all betrayed. The first response some people have to the damaging effects of emotional affairs is: “But there’s no sex.” Sex is not love. It may express love, but deep down sex can and does happen sometimes just for the sake of… sex. That’s why when partners who have been cheated upon are asked what hurts most about a spouse or lover’s affair, they say…