Filho secreto? Comerciante quer ser reconhecido como filho de Gugu e pede DNA

Mais uma polêmica ronda a família de Gugu Libertato. Desta vez, um mecânico entrou na Justiça para ser reconhecido como filho do apresentador. O suposto filho ainda pede um exame de DNA. Segundo ele, sua mãe e Gugu teriam se encontrado quando Liberato tinha 14 anos #TVFama

How to Let Him Go For Good

Have you broken up with the man of your dreams and after a long time of separation, you still pine away and want him back in your life? You fell hard and fast, he brought you pleasure and then caused a great deal of pain when he moved on while you couldn’t.

How to Get Out of a Complicated Love Life

So, you fell in love with your married boss – and you were married at the time, both marriages are over but now you think he loves you but you know he’s having sex with the baby sitter. Just a little drama going on here. It’s probably hard getting up in the morning.

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