Geisy Arruda relembra episódio do vestido curto: “Bullying coletivo”

A influencer Geisy Arruda ganhou notoriedade em 2009 quando hostilizada por dezenas de alunos da universidade onde estudava por conta do vestido curto que usava. Ao TV Fama, Geisy comentou sobre o episódio: “Foi um bullying coletivo” #TVFama

How to Win Your Cheating Husband Back This Christmas

Want to know how to win your cheating husband back this Christmas? As crazy as it sounds you still love him and don’t want your marriage to end. So, how do you prevent the end from coming in time for Christmas? Keep reading to find out.

How to Stop a Divorce From Your Cheating Wife Before Christmas

Want to know how to stop a divorce from your cheating wife before Christmas? She may be the one who cheated but you’re the one trying to pick up the pieces. Discover a few clues to make your job easier and win her heart all over again along the way below.

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