Genaro entrega seu currículo e conquista todas as garotas | Vai Dar Namoro

Genaro foi escolhido para entrar no palco após as garotas aprovarem a propaganda que a mãe dele fez; Ele chegou entregando seu currículo com várias cantadas. Músico, ele tentou impressionar no violão e conseguiu: as quatro garotas se interessaram e ele escolheu conversar com Julia.

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I Don’t Feel Like I Should Be In A Relationship After My Affair – I Want To Be Alone For A While

“I know that my affair was wrong. Now that some time has passed, I can look at things more objectively and I can see the problems and the unhealthy nature of that relationship. I am still reeling from this whole experience. Right now, I just want to be on my own for a while to figure out what was so damaged within me that I would do something like this to someone who I sincerely love. But, I’m afraid that my spouse is going to take this the wrong way. I am afraid that it is going to hurt my spouse more than I have already hurt her and that is the last thing that I want. Do I have any right to ask to be on my own right now so that I can sort things out? Or do I just need to put my own needs aside and think of my spouse? I don’t want to turn my back on my marriage. I think that there is a chance that one day we could work things out. So I don’t want to take this time if it has the potential to ruin my marriage. What can I do?”

Make Your Partner Feel Wanted, Before Someone Else Does

Human beings want to feel wanted. It’s a powerful draw between people. When you make someone else feel wanted, that person is more likely to want YOU. You are the source of that good feeling. Being associated with such a strongly positive feeling makes you an object of desire.

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