Geraldo Luis abre o coração sobre as amizades na televisão: “Não preciso do meu ego”

O apresentador Geraldo Luis bateu um papo com o TV Fama. Durante a entrevista, ele falou sobre amizades na TV. Deixou claro que quantos menos amigos no meio televisivo é melhor. Falou ainda sobre planos futuros, inclusive se deve voltar às telinhas

Is Emotional Infidelity Cheating? – How to Stop Your Husband From Having an Emotional Affair

Is emotional infidelity cheating? This question is very controversial as there is still no conclusive answer to it. Some people are saying that it does not constitute cheating because there is no sex, but some are claiming that it is because of trust issues.

Read More About Extramarital Affairs

Extramarital affairs is the term which denotes that a person has an affair after his or her marriage or while he or she is married or is in a relationship and has an affair. In fact, it directly indicates that a person in an extramarital affair is cheating on his or her life partner. The affair generally involves illegitimate sexual or romantic relationship which is usually kept veiled by the pair in the relationship.

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