Gilberto Barros é condenado à prisão por homofobia e Fefito manda recado: “Espero que aprenda”

O apresentador Gilberto Barros, o Leão, foi condenado pela ?Justiça a dois anos de prisão pelo crime de homofobia. Segundo o apresentador do TV Fama, Fefito, Leão teria dito que sentia vontade de vomitar ao ver dois homens se beijando. Fefito, por sua vez, mandou um recado para Barros: “A gente espera que você aprenda”

Healing After an Affair – 3 Things a Woman Can Do to Heal Her Marriage

It is a sad fact that an affair can ruin a relationship, and healing after an affair is difficult. However, it does not have to be that way. While an affair will definitely make you evaluate your relationship with your spouse, it does not have to make you end the relationship. Even though the relationship is strained right now, you can heal it with some effort and some time.

How to Save a Marriage After an Affair – Three Important Tips

An extramarital affair, whether physical or emotional, is no laughing matter. How to save a marriage after an affair is also a very serious issue.

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