Gkay pede para Léo Santana baixar valor do cachê para Farofa: “Meu ajude”

A influencer Gkay disse ao TV Fama que já está trabalhado nos preparativos da “Farofa” deste ano. Em tom de brincadeira, a comediante pediu para que Léo Santana baixe o valor de seu cachê para a festa: “Me ajude” #TVFama

Why Do Men Cheat? It’s Not What Most Think

One of the biggest reasons why relationships end these days is that someone in the relationship has cheated. Now I can’t really speak for the women on why they would cheat on their guys but I do know the reason why guys cheat. Most of the women I know have it totally wrong as to the reason why a guy will cheat on them.

Dealing With The Aftermath Of Affairs – 3 Things You Need To Know To Save Your Marriage

Are you dealing with the painful and uncomfortable aftermath of affairs? Are you still struggling and fighting to save your marriage? Then here are 3 things you need to know that will help you…

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