Erick estava “no escurinho do cinema” e teve o privilégio de ouvir as cantadas das garotas do Vai Dar Namoro. Gloria foi tão ousado que deixou até o apresentador e os conselheiros em graça. Não deu outra: foi ela a escolhida para conversar com Erick.
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Is It Possible To Love Your Spouse More After Cheating?
I heard from a wife who said: “my husband cheated on me about six months ago. Since that time, we have been in counseling and we are trying very hard to make it work. And there are times when I feel that we are making progress and there are times when I feel like I am only seeing what I want to see. The other day at counseling, my husband told the counselor that he was more in love with me today than he was five years ago. At first, I thought that this was a sweet thing to say. But the next day, it started to bug me. And a little voice in my head wondered how in the world he could be so in love with me when just a short time ago, he was sleeping with someone else. Did he lie to me right to my face? Is it possible to be more in love with your spouse after infidelity?”
6 Reasons Why Men Cheat In MarriageWhat are the reasons men cheat? Finding out that your husband has been seeing another woman can be devastating. You are left wondering what went wrong and why he cheated. Read this article to discover the 6 most common reasons why men cheat.