Gretchen anuncia novo casamento para setembro: “Vai ter a maior festa”

A rainha do rebolado, Gretchen anunciou que irá renovar os votos de seu casamento no dia 30 de setembro. A cantora já adiantou que será realizada uma mega festa no mesmo local onde se casou com Esdras, em 2020.

My Spouse Doesn’t Trust Me After He Cheated

“My husband had a three month affair with his sister’s best friend. I found out about it from his sister and I demanded that he end the affair immediately. But now he’s acting as if he suspects me of wrongdoing. I go out with my friends a lot now. I don’t necessarily want to go out with my husband or even stay home with him. But when I go out with my friends, it’s all innocent. But when I get home, my husband accuses me of being with other men. He says that he just knows that I’m going to cheat to get back at him. I have no intention whatsoever to cheat. I think that people who cheat lack integrity and are liars. I would never put myself in that category. And I very much resent my husband saying these things and acting as if he has a reason to be suspicious of me when he absolutely does not. I almost feel as if he is trying to take the attention off of him and turn it around on me. Not only is this not fair, but it absolutely infuriates me. How do I handle this?”

What’s A Fair Deadline For My Spouse To End The Affair?

“I actually found out about my husband’s affair from his best friend. This man didn’t want to betray my husband, but he felt that he owed it to me to tell the truth. And, as much pain as I am in, I will always be grateful for that. My husband didn’t even attempt to deny the affair when I confronted him. He confirmed it and I asked him what we were going to do moving forward. He said that he wasn’t sure because he could not just abruptly break things off. I asked him why in the world he couldn’t just end the relationship at that very moment and he said that he ‘needed time’ because he had developed real feelings for the other woman. Well, I don’t think that he deserves time. My question is how much time should I give him to end the affair? It hurts me so much to know that he is going to be with her.”

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