Gretchen vai deixar o Brasil? Cantora explica rumores: “Vou ficar indo e vindo”

Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV Fama’, Gretchen falou sobre rumores que a cercaram recentemente, onde diziam que a cantora deixaria o Brasil. De acordo com a rainha do ‘Conga La Conga’, seu marido, Esdras, fará um mestrado de dois anos em Portugal e ela irá acompanhá-lo.

Gretchen ainda garantiu que irá “ficar indo e vindo” ao Brasil neste meio tempo, devido a sua agenda de shows. #TVFama

Save Your Marriage After An Affair By Adding One Vital Ingredient

You have to put in a lot of hard work when you are determined to save your marriage after it has been threatened by an affair. You can make the workload seem lighter by adding one vital ingredient.

Help After An Affair Only Works If You Identify The Main Cheating Causes

There are many people who keep relieving the memories of how nice it was to be in a marriage before a spouse cheated when seeking help after an affair. Many keep wishing the marriage could be back to its old ways. The offended spouse usually finds it hard to understand how a partner who seemed to be happy in a marriage changed all of a sudden and decided to cheat.

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