Gustavo tem 26 anos é bombeiro e auxiliar técnico em um projeto social em Itaquera, zona leste de São Paulo. Ele também é lutador de muay thai. Para impressionar a mulherada, ele cantou uma música e tocou violão.
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Moving Past the Anger After Infidelity
Moving past the anger after infidelity in your marriage is one the biggest challenges in your efforts to rebuild your relationship. Perhaps, you’ve found yourself in a fit of rage, when your spouse says or does the least little thing that offends you, bringing up all their past transgression, that may or may nothing have anything to do with the issue at hand. It is understandable that you are angry. infidelity is a “hard pill to swallow”.
Regain The Trust In Your Marriage After The AffairYou’ve lost the trust in your marriage after discovering the affair. You are aware that trust is vital to your relationship in order to save your marriage but, how do you trust your spouse when you’ve been lied to so many times, that you can no longer trust anything he or she says. You used to rely on your instincts as your “truth meter” but with your feelings in an emotional turmoil you can’t even rely on that anymore.