Humberto Martins recebe homenagem em festival de cinema: “Sem palavras”

Em entrevista exclusiva ‘TV FAMA’, o ator Humberto Martins comentou sobre a homenagem que recebeu no ‘Festival de Cinema de Vassouras’, realizado no Centro-Sul do Rio de Janeiro.

“É uma alegria muito grande, são coisas que você nunca imagina na vida. Sem palavras”, disse o artista. Saiba todos os detalhes! #TVFAMA

My Spouse Became A Mean, Angry, And Nasty Person Since He Had An Affair

“I knew that something was seriously up with my husband by the way that he was acting. I didn’t suspect him of an affair, but I knew that something had gone very wrong in his life. I thought maybe he had made some bad investments or something. But about six weeks before I found out about the affair, my normally laughing and sweet husband basically turned into a monster. He was actually mean to our children. He was sarcastic to me. He seemed to enjoy hurting people’s feelings. And even after I found out about the affair, he is still being nasty. So I knew that we had serious problems. I didn’t know at that time that this was tied to the affair. Is that what cheating does to men? Turn nice guys into mean hearted jerks? I just do not understand the transformation that has happened to my husband. Part of me would like to save my marriage. But frankly, I might have learned to deal with the cheating. But I don’t want to be married to a mean person. Is he going to be like this forever? Because if so, then I think I’ll pass.”

The Irony Of A Cheating Spouse Being More Likely To Cheat Because Of Your Insecurities

“I’m an insecure mess after my husband’s affair. The thing is: the other woman was young and beautiful. And she had trouble accepting it when my husband tried to break it off. She continued to pursue him. It was as if he – and the relationship – really meant something to her. And it hurts to know that as far as looks and desirability go, I will never be able to compete with her. And I will always worry that either her, or someone like her, is going to come along again. Because of this, I always grill my husband. I always go along behind him on the computer. I always check his phone. He was patient with this at first. But the other night, he sat me down and he told me that I have to get over my insecurity because frankly, my being so ‘high maintenance’ as he calls it, makes him more likely to cheat in the long run. He says that I have to stop this, which hurts. I understand it in a way. But I feel as if I have a right to my insecurity. And I can’t pretend as if I don’t feel it.”

Why Do Cheaters Say It’s About Them And Not About You?

“I am so tired of hearing ‘it’s not about you’ when we discuss my husband’s affair. How can it not be about me? He cheated on me. He decided to sleep with someone else instead of me. It is me who has to feel the pain and know the betrayal. How does a man who claims that his wife hasn’t done anything wrong cheat? My husband keeps saying that it’s about him and not me. But I don’t understand how this can be so. And honestly, my husband is not the only guy who has ever said this to me. My college boyfriend cheated and said the exact same thing. Why do men who cheat always say ‘it’s not about you?’ What in the world do they mean by this? Or is it all lies?”

Do The People Who Have Affairs Ever Have To Pay For Their Actions?

“From my perspective, my husband and the other woman have it all. They claim that they are very much in love. Her family seems to have welcomed my husband with open arms. He gets to leave all his responsibilities behind and go and play house with her. It just isn’t fair. When I talk to some of my friends about this, they tell me that karma will take care of this. They tell me that their relationship is doomed to fail – or at least to be very negatively impacted by their actions. Are they right? Will the other woman and my husband suffer in any way for what they have done?”

Exclusive Reasons Why Married Men Cheat

A wife is one of the best things that can ever happen to any man. Every married man I have met with a happy marriage life have categorically told me times without number that the presence of their wives has been a huge source of blessing to them. This goes further to stamp the verse in the Bible that states “He who has found a wife has found a good thing and obtained favor from the Lord”.

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