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Why Do Women Cheat On Good Men?

Before actually writing this article, I’d like it to be known that the actual research for it was done by a very bright young lady, old for her years, so if she seems to criticize her own sex, this is purely what her own research has thrown up, and not me taking potshots at the ladies! A man would probably never suspect that his partner’s cheating. Partly because he’s always considered her a ‘good girl,’ and partly because of her apparent disinterest in sex.

Emotional Affairs of the Heart – How To Deal With Your Husband’s Emotional Affair

Emotional affairs of the heart or also known as emotional affairs is a kind of relationship that does not involve sex but includes intimacy and emotional attraction and one or both of the parties involved are married or committed to another person. It is also very likely that it will develop into a sexual affair if it is not stopped right away. Men and women are equally susceptible to committing this type of affair.

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