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What Can I Say To Make My Husband Understand The Pain That His Cheating Has Caused?

I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “I have repeatedly tried to explain to my husband the depth of and reasons for my pain after his infidelity, but he either doesn’t want to hear it or he’s not understanding what I’m saying. Sometimes, I pour my heart out to him and try to explain how he has hurt me and all I get is blank stare back or empty assurances that he really is trying. This is so frustrating to me because I need him to understand the extent of my pain so that I can have some reassurance that he’ll never cheat again. I want him to understand why I sometimes act in the way that I do because of what a grave mistake he has made. But part of me thinks that he’s unwilling or just incapable of hearing me. How can I explain my pain in a way that he’ll actually understand and be willing to listen?” I’ll address these concerns in the following article.

Summertime Cheating at an All Time High – Rekindle the Heat – Prevent Infidelity

I’ve been hearing a lot about summertime flings and Cosmopolitan just published an article with expert opinions on why people, mostly men stray during the summertime. Let’s look at the phenomenon and determine where your relationship is. You can still save your relationship from summertime flings. Saving your relationship is possible for anyone and there’s a process to do just that towards the end of the article.

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