Se você tivesse um(a) irmão(a) gêmeo(a) você ficaria de olho nos contatinhos dele(a)? pois bem, Key Alves é exatamente dessa forma, segundo sua irmã Keyt Alves. A também jogadora de vôlei revelou que a “não podia ficar de olho em alguém“ que Key ia lá e beijava. #TVFama
How to Prevent and Stop Extramarital Affairs
Extramarital affairs are a stigma in a marriage and need to be rooted out to keep the relationship steadfast. Work towards making your marriage strong; prevention is better than cure. You have to know how to recognize an extramarital relationship in your marriage.
You Cheated – She Knows – Now What?You cheated. All those little white lies and bigger and bigger lies had you tied up in knots. You got yourself into a situation which felt great at first but started to eat away at you. The other woman seemed so appealing, so exciting, so understanding and so different from your wife. And you even rationalized that if your wife did know, she loves you so much she would get angry for awhile and then just easily forgive and forget. You weren’t ready for what would really happen if the truth was revealed to her.