Joana Prado e Vitor Belfort relatam dificuldades da vida de atleta

Durante o FamaCast, Joana e Vitor debatem sobre as dificuldades que atletas e as famílias dos atletas passam diariamente, dentro e fora do esporte.

Dating Tips For Giving Your Cheating Husband a Second Chance

Giving your cheating husband a second chance is a huge leap of faith. The rewards can be significant when it comes to saving your marriage but the risk is pretty big also. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you start dating again so you can seriously lower your risks

How Can I Find Out If My Husband is Cheating?

When your world feels like it’s falling out from under your feet, you’ll spend a lot of time asking “how can I find out if my husband is cheating?” The power to really know the truth is within reach.

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