FamaCast é o novo podcast do TV FAMA. Segundas, quartas e sextas pelas redes sociais do TV Fama.



How To Survive Infidelity – Can My Marriage Survive?

This is a question no one wants to ever have to answer. But, for some the answer is a resounding NO! They can’t get beyond what happened, they can’t get the images of their partner in someone else’s bed out of their mind. For others, they want to get beyond what happened, and they believe they can. Learning about a spouse’s affair is one of the most difficult, life changing events they’ll ever have to deal with.

I’ve Disappointed My Entire Family By Cheating On My Spouse

I heard from a wife who said: “I made the biggest mistake of my life when I cheated on my husband. And it was such a pathetic way to cheat. I was a stay at home mom who was lonely and who reconnected with an old boyfriend on Facebook. I risked the well being on my family just because this other man paid me some attention and made me feel good about myself. I can’t believe I acted so irresponsibly and was so stupid. I immediately told my husband the truth and begged for his forgiveness. We are trying to make it work. But one thing standing in our way is my anger at myself and my belief that I don’t deserve my husband or my family. I have let them all down. In short, I have let down and disappointed every one in my family and I don’t deserve any of them. My husband still says he is willing to try to work it out, so how can I let go of this feeling that I’m just not good enough for anyone?”

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