Juju Salimeni compra carrão de luxo avaliado em R$ 750 mil

A apresentadora Juju Salimeni postou em suas redes sociais uma aquisição de peso: um carrão de luxo avaliado em R$ 750 mil. Juju fez um vídeo dizendo que “se deu de presente” o veículo.

My Partner Cheated – How Can I Forgive Them?

They have lied to you. They have deceived you. They have broken your heart. But you still love them. Is it really possible to forgive a cheater? The answer is yes, but it isn’t easy. Heartbreak, deception, and lies are not easy things to overcome, but if you truly believe that your partner deserves another chance, it is possible to overcome them.

Infidelity Statistics – How to Save Your Marriage

Statistics on infidelity show that women under thirty are more likely to cheat than women over thirty. This might just be, because women under thirty have better body image than women over thirty.

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