“O Big Brother ainda não me chamou porque se tivesse chamado eu teria ido.”
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My Husband Wants To Separate After I Caught Him Cheating
I heard from a wife who said: “I found out about three weeks ago that my husband has been cheating on me for about two months. I expected him to agree to go to counseling and to break off the affair, but this isn’t what happened. Instead, he said that he wants to separate because he isn’t sure what he wants. He says that he needs time to get himself together and determine where he wants to go from here. Frankly, I might have pushed for a separation first if he wasn’t acting this way. But why does he get to decide to separate? I feel as if he is only doing this so he can continue to see the other woman. And, is weird as it is, now that he wants to leave me, I am determined to get him to stay. I feel as if we need time together to sort this out before we come to any decisions. Is there anything that I can do to change his mind? I’ve thought about giving him ultimatums or trying to get him to feel guilty. What should I do?”
Love Isn’t Always What It SeemsIn life we experience love in our own way. How do you cope with it if it’s not understood by one party and how do you stop it before it hurts you?