Jurandyr volta ao Vai Dar Namoro após 10 anos para desencalhar | Vai Dar Namoro

Logo que entrou no palco, Jurandyr foi reconhecido por Rodrigo Faro. Ele já participou do Vai Dar Namoro, em 2012, sem sucesso. Será que a história vai ser diferente agora?

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Do Cheating Men Tell The Other Woman That They Love Her?

“Do married men ever tell the other woman that they are in love with her? The other woman my husband cheated with is telling me that he told her that he’d never loved anymore more than he loves her. I find this a little hard to believe. I come from a culture where the mistress was sort of disrespected and every one knew that it was only about sex. People generally believed that a man loves his wife, but he lusts after his mistress. In my mind’s eye, I pictured my husband having sex with her without much conversation and without exchanging words about their feelings. But she insists that this is not true. She insists that he told her that he loved her almost every time that they were together. “

I’m Now An Insecure Mess Because I Cheated On My Spouse

“I guess my cheating was a one night stand. I was traveling for business and I made the grave mistake of drinking in the hotel bar. One thing lead to another and the next thing I know, I’m sleeping with a stranger because I had too much to drink. I told my husband immediately. I knew that the guilt would be too much. I told my work that I’m not going to travel anymore. I have offered to go to counseling. I’m trying to make this right. But I am so worried that my husband is going to retaliate in some way. I wonder how long before he figures out that he deserves much better than me? I am so insecure now. Because I guess I know in my heart that he does deserve better than me. I am so afraid that I am going to lose the best thing that ever happened to me because of my actions. And the thing is, I know that I deserve to lose him. I don’t want my insecurity to contribute to this, though. How can I stop being so insecure?”

Stay or Leave

In a pickle about what to do about a cheating partner? It is time to examine things clinically and try to get a move on without baggage. Seek help from an expert who can help you smell the roses not the burnt leaves!

Because Of My Cheating, I Feel That I’m Not Good Enough For My Spouse

“I honestly loathe cheaters. I have had men cheat on me for my whole entire life and I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would cheat on my husband. I was traveling for business and my coworker and I went to a bar with a client. The client was drinking heavily and I guess my coworker and I felt to compelled to do the same so that we wouldn’t offend our client. We both had too much to drink and ended up sleeping together. Needless to say, my husband is horrified and furious at me. But he can’t be any more angry at me than I am at myself. I can’t act like I even deserve my husband because I do not. I did something so horrible that I honestly think that what I deserve is to be alone. I believe my husband deserves to find someone who is going to be faithful – and someone better than me. I don’t deserve him.”

I Wish I Could Forget The Affair Partner Because The Memories Are Painful

“I had a three month affair while my husband was away when his mother was pretty much dying. I am very ashamed that I cheated on my husband during the time when he was doing the right thing. Trying to be involved in two households and still work was very difficult for him, but he did it because he is a good person. It sounds selfish to say that I was very needy during this time, but it is the truth. So I reached out to one of our neighbors and we ended up having an affair. When my husband found out, we ended up moving near my husband’s father. My husband found this convenient because we could help to emotionally support his dad. And by moving, my husband knew that I wouldn’t see the other man every day. I do still love my husband. I can not stop thinking about the other man. He is in my thoughts all of the time. I get angry at myself and try to push the thoughts away, but it really doesn’t do much good. When am I going to forget about the other man because these conflicting feelings are tearing me apart?”

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