Justiça manda Robinho devolver passaporte; jogador tem prazo de 5 dias

O ex-jogador Robinho, acusado de estupro na Itália, tem o prazo de 5 dias para entregar seu passaporte à Justiça A determinação é um impedimento para que o ex-atleta não deixe o pais.

Cheating Spouse? 3 Actions You Should Take Immediately When You Find Out

Have your spouse ever cheated on you? Surprisingly, the answer is “yes” more than you think. Lets discover 3 actions that you should take immediately when you find out your spouse has cheated on you!

How Long Should You Wait To Have Sex With Your Spouse After The Affair?

I recently heard from a wife who wanted to know the guidelines for marital sex after an affair. Her husband had a short term affair and the two of them had been trying to work on their marriage. The husband had done everything that she had asked, but she needed time to process all of this and to heal. And, while the couple were trying very hard and making some progress, they certainly weren’t home free yet. The wife was wondering when was the appropriate time was to resume their sex life. Because it had become the big elephant in the room. She said in part “it’s as if neither of us wants to make the first move. I’m not sure I’m ready to have sex again but I know that he wants to. I don’t want him to feel as though I’m rejecting him, but I don’t want it to be a disaster either. I’m so afraid that it will be really bad or he won’t be turned on or I’ll just feel so awkward. How do I handle this?”

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