Kerline sobre Nego Di após polêmica com João Guilherme: “A gente não consegue entender”

Durante o FamaCast, Kerline Cardoso comenta sobre polêmica envolvendo Nego Di após o humorista criticar roupa de João Guilherme. Ao longo do podcast, Coruja e Kerline debatem também sobre o submarino que desapareceu durante uma expedição ao Titanic. Veja!

I Cannot Get Over My Cheating Partner

This article discusses cheating. It looks at ways of overcoming infidelity and whether it is possible to rebuild trust after an affair.

Why is it So Hard to Forgive Him For Cheating?

Are you wondering why you’re having a hard time forgiving him for cheating? Maybe it’s not the cheating that you’re having a hard time forgiving.

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