KEY ALVES | 17/08/2022 | FAMACAST

FamaCast é o novo podcast do TV FAMA. Segundas, quartas e sextas pelas redes sociais do TV Fama.


Emotional Infidelity – Another Way You Can Cheat

Emotional infidelity, or emotional affairs, are just as real as sexual ones. They are just as effective in damaging or destroying a relationship.

Getting Over An Affair – How Can I Ever Forgive?

Getting over an affair is a complex journey, especially when it comes to the issue of forgiveness. Is your marriage in the midst of a crisis due to the painful fact that your spouse cheated? The rawness of the wounds, from the infidelity that was inflicted on you, may still be quite fresh, and you may be dealing with so much anger, and pain, that you question whether or not you will ever be able to move forward.

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