Larissa Tomásio, do BBB22, fala sobre amizade com Gustavo após reality: “Águas passadas”

Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, a ex-bbb22, Larissa Tomásio, abriu o jogo sobre a relação com o ex-brother Gustavo Marsengo fora do programa. Os dois participaram juntos da ‘Casa de Vidro’ mas a amizade não durou muito e os dois até tiveram um pequeno conflito dentro da casa.

“Águas passadas, eu amo o Gustavo. Eu to amando o Gustavo aqui fora, ele é um amor de pessoa. Principalmente, porque ele é namorado da minha amiga, tem que gostar”, brinca a ex-sister. Confira! #TVFAMA

Is Indifference An Effective Way To Get Revenge For An Affair?

“Honestly, my husband says that he is sorry for the affair, but his actions and behavior just don’t show this. Sometimes, when we are discussing how the affair has affected our family, I will start to cry because I am so upset at what he has done. When I cry, he doesn’t attempt to comfort me. He just gets really uncomfortable and occasionally he will say that he wishes that he could take it back. When I ask him for reassurance that he’s no longer seeing the other person, he replies that he isn’t sure what I want from him, since we are together for most of the day. I want sincerity from him, but it doesn’t appear that I am going to get it. When I talk to my mother about this, she says that the best thing that I can do is be indifferent about him. She says that I should busy myself with the kids and other things and then when I ignore him, he will fall all over himself to apologize and offer me reassurance. Is she right?”

Although My Spouse Claims He Wants Our Marriage, He Admits He Still Has Feelings For His Affair

“When I found out about my husband’s affair, I immediately told him that if he were to have any chance with me, he would need to agree to counseling. He did. He has been trying, but neither of us is very happy. The other day at counseling, I admitted to the counselor that I’m afraid that my husband still has strong feelings for the affair partner. The counselor directly asked my husband if this was true. My husband got flustered and swore that there had been no contact between them. The counselor told him that this is not what she asked him. She repeated her question as to whether he still had strong feelings for the other woman. Finally he sighed and said that you can’t just turn your feelings off and that yes, he guessed he still had feelings, but that he had no intention of acting on them. I knew this deep in my heart, but it still devastated me. What am I supposed to do with this information? Just know that my husband is only with me to save his family, while he still harbors feelings for someone else?”

Why Do Husbands Risk Having An Affair And Then Beg Their Wives Not To Leave Them?

“I have always told my husband that I would never, ever tolerate cheating. He seemed to understand this and emphatically said that he would never do that. I believed him. My husband is a man of high integrity. He doesn’t make a habit of lying and being deceitful. He has been a good husband. But he cheated on me with a coworker that I actually know. He knew full well that if I found out, I would probably take our children and move. My husband was very careless as if he wanted to get caught. But when I do confront him about it, he freaks out. He chases me around the house sobbing and saying that he can not handle it if leave him and take the kids. He had to be aware of the risks. I am sick that he did this. Why would an otherwise reasonable person risk everything to have an affair? He actually claims that he didn’t even care all that much about her. He insists she means about next to nothing to him. If this is actually true, why would he risk all of this to cheat with her? I simply don’t understand.”

I’ve Already Divorced Once. And Now My Second Husband Is Cheating. What’s Wrong With Me?

“My mother would probably laugh at my situation if she were still alive. She told me not to marry my first husband. Turns out, she was very much right about him. I ended up divorcing him within five years. However, I thought I’d hit the jackpot with my second husband. I thought that after the pain of my first marriage, I had finally found the one. We were really happy. Honestly, I thought that we were still very happy. But last weekend, I found out that he had cheated on me. It was not a long-term relationship. He admitted this to me himself and has begged me not to leave him. He swears that he has never cheated on anymore before. I feel like a fool. Here I thought I’d finally found a good man. Part of me thinks that something is wrong with me so that I can’t maintain a good and healthy relationship. And yet, when I look back at my current marriage to see where I might have gone wrong, I don’t see anything. I think that I’ve been a good wife and my husband agrees. So why am I possibly looking at two failed marriages?”

It Appears That My Husband Doesn’t Want To Have Sex With Me After His Affair

“My husband had an affair about two months ago. Eventually, I allowed him to come and see the kids, and little by little, we began talking again. I can tell that he feels very guilty and embarrassed. He goes out of his way to be accommodating and kind to me. He is basically saying that he wouldn’t blame me if I refused to take him back. I’ve told him that I’m going to take my time in making a decision. Last weekend, the kids and I watched a movie with my husband and they fell asleep. When things were about to get intimate, my husband pulled away and said ‘I just can’t have sex with you right now.’ I was stunned, so I asked, ‘you can’t or you won’t?’ He got up and said ‘I just can’t. I’m sorry.’ I have no idea what to make of this. I have tried to ask him about this, but he always changes the subject. Is he not attracted to me? I want to have a healthy sex life again one day. Why would a man not be able to have sex with his wife after the affair?”

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