Leilão de Neymar: time de celebridades desfilam pelo tapete vermelho

O Leilão de Neymar atraiu celebridades de peso em São Paulo. Luciana Gimenez, Patricia Poeta, Virginia Fonseca e Deborah Secco fizeram parte de um time de famosas que desfilaram pelo tapete vermelho do evento. #TVFama

How To Save Your Relationship FROM Infidelity?

Saving your relationship from infidelity isn’t that hard. But saving it after infidelity is not easy at all. Apart from the hurt and anger it causes, it also results in the total breakdown of the trust between the couple.

Surviving Infidelity – Rediscover Yourself

One of the most common pieces of advice for surviving infidelity that is given after a victim finds out about their cheating spouse’s affair is to work on “YOU.”  But in the midst of all the turmoil, I found that the last thing I wanted to focus on was myself.

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