Leticia procura alguém como Rodrigo Faro e sai sem ninguém | Vai Dar Namoro

Letícia é estudante de Psicologia e vendedora de colchões. O homem perfeito para ela é alguém como Rodrigo Faro. A moça de 25 anos também deu uma cantada em Lipe, mas saiu sem ninguém

Inscreva-se no canal Hora do Faro: http://r7.com/cMXe
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Site oficial: https://recordtv.r7.com/hora-do-faro

#HoradoFaro #RodrigoFaro #VaiDarNamoro

How to Cope With Your Partner’s Infidelity and Get Your Partner to Stop Cheating

Coping with infidelity is one of the toughest things one may have to do in one’s committed relationship or marriage. The secret to coping effectively and surviving this ordeal lies in managing one’s negative emotions as well as actively managing the situation itself. This active style of coping, which includes things such as finding objective evidence of the affair and confronting the cheater, not only empowers the betrayed partner – it also influences how quickly the affair gets resolved.

Surviving The Impact Of A Cheating Spouse

Infidelity turns marriages, families and lives upside down. A cheating spouse is a profound betrayal of trust and destroys the very things a married person should be able to take for granted. Here are some things you need to begin the process of recovery.

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