Lexa e Carioca aprontam as maiores loucuras no Delivery do Faro

No Hora do Faro deste domingo (18), a cantora Lexa e o humorista Carioca fizeram as maiores loucuras no quadro Delivery do Faro. Desta vez, quem caiu na brincadeira foi o banhista e tosador José Feliciano da Silva. Se embarcar nas pegadinhas, ele pode levar um prêmio de até R$ 3 mil. Confira!

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He Wants To Just Put His Affair Behind Us, But I’m Not Sure If I Can – Tips That Might Help

I recently heard from a wife who was struggling to move past her husband’s affair. He’d had an affair with a neighbor which had ended about eight months ago. Although the wife was very clear on the fact that she wanted to save her marriage for the benefit of her family, she sometimes struggled to move on. She was making a very conscious effort to keep moving forward, but her husband didn’t think her progress was happening fast enough. She told me, in part: “my husband keeps saying things like ‘why can’t we just put the affair behind us and move on with our lives?

Suspect That Your Spouse Is Cheating? – What Do You Do When You Know They Are Cheating

No matter how you discover that you have been the victim of a cheater, it can be one of the most devastating things in the world. It may have come as a total shock, or it may have been something that you were suspicious about. The question is what do you do now?

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