Lívia Andrade revela quando decidiu sair do SBT: “Pensei em não voltar para televisão”

Durante entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, Lívia Andrade contou detalhes sobre como foi sua saída do SBT, em 2020. A apresentadora revelou que já estava fazendo planos para deixar a emissora antes mesmo de ser desligada.

“Quando eu saí eu tive um choque, quase pensei em não voltar mais para a televisão. Um ano antes de sair do SBT eu já planejava minha vida, mas o Silvio é uma pessoa que prendia muito porque eu tenho um carinho muito especial por ele. Eu queria mas não queria sair, eu fui muito feliz ali”, disse Lívia Andrade. Confira! #TVFAMA

How King Solomon Seduced the Queen of Sheba and Later Impregnated Her

This is one of the great loves of mythology and reading about it even now thrills young and old A great seduction The Tale of Solomon and Sheba and their love affair is mentioned in the Bible. This is not the only source and we have other corroborative tales as well. One tale from Ethiopia recounts how Solomon seduced the Queen of Sheba.

Do Fairy Tales Exists?

Is the divorce rate really 50%? Do fairy tale relationships exists? The answers just may surprise you.

My Spouse Says I Humiliated Him By Having An Affair And This Is Unforgivable

“When I was on a business trip, I had too much to drink and I slept with my boss. It was a big mistake and my boss had no business hitting on me. Once I sobered up, I called my husband and I told him everything. I hoped that he would appreciate me being truthful. He didn’t. He told me to stay with my mother and would not allow me to return home. I accepted this at first, but that was three weeks ago. He says that I humiliated him by sleeping with my boss. He says that he knows that my mother is going to tell people at our church and this challenges his masculinity. He says that he won’t be able to look people in the eye at church and he’s not sure if he can ever forgive me for that. I don’t want to let go of my marriage. I know that I made a horrible mistake, but I want for him to give me a chance to make it right. Is he just over exaggerating about this humiliation thing?”

What Is The Likelihood Of A Second Affair After A Man Has Cheated Once?

“I need to know the likelihood that my husband is going to cheat again. He swears that he won’t. He is saying and doing the right things. And yet, I can not bring myself to trust him completely. I am always on guard. Trying to get through this process has taken everything that I have. It has shattered what I thought I knew about my husband and my marriage. I am suspicious of everyone and everything. I see the world as a hostile place now and this was never true before. It has placed a dark cloud over everything. I am slowly trying to recover, but it has been crippling. I can’t do this again. My husband swears that he would never put himself in this position again. I want to believe him. But he found a way to cheat once, so who is to say that he will not cheat again? What do statistics say about the likelihood of a second affair?”

When I Tell My Husband That His Cheating Wrecked My Self-Esteem, He Claims His Confidence Is Low Too

“One of the biggest struggles that I am having after my husband’s affair is that of my self-respect. I’ve always considered myself to be a strong person. I don’t let people walk over me and I speak up when I feel that I’m not being heard or am being taken advantage of. I like to think that I am competent personally and professionally. Now that I am considering trying to work on my marriage after my husband cheated on me, frankly, I think less of myself. I see myself as a meek housewife with no self-respect. Granted, I could support myself and one the biggest reasons that I am still here is because of my kids, but still. I shared this with my husband and I was hoping that he would tell me that this was silly because I was strong and that I was certainly not letting him off easy. But do you know what his response to me was? That he understands because he feels less self-respect too. What? I am the one who is staying when I am the injured party. I was the one who was betrayed. So why is he suffering from lower self-esteem?”

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