Garota já havia participado do Vai Dar Namoro e voltou ao programa na tentativa de desencalhar. Ela mostrou talento ao encenar Romeu e Julieta com o Pigmeu e entrou no clima do futebol nas cantadas. Igor se interessou por ela e os dois foram conversar no canto.
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8 Questions To Ask Before Giving A Cheating Spouse A Second Chance
A second chance for an unfaithful spouse should be granted only after careful consideration of your unique marital and family circumstances. Here are 8 things to consider before making your decision.
I Feel Resentful That I’m Expected To Take The High Road After My Husband’s Cheating And AffairI recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “my husband had an affair last year. Immediately afterward, I kicked him out because I just could not stand the sight of him. I have to admit that I missed him and eventually I realized that I do not want to sacrifice my marriage. So I eventually let him move back home. But once he did, it was like he expected me to just put on a happy face and act as if the affair never happened. I have just not been able to do that. I’m still angry. I’m still disappointed. I need to see a lot of remorse and changes in him. But he doesn’t seem to want to hear this. Even my friends are telling me that he isn’t going to be patient with me forever. They advise me to take the high road and resist the urges that I have to contact the other woman, or grill my husband about the affair. Why do I always have to take the high road and pretend that everything is fine when it isn’t? My husband still hasn’t done enough to make this up to me.”