Lucas Lucco brinca sobre entrar em plataforma de conteúdo adulto

Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV Fama’, Lucas Lucco falou sobre o atual momento que vive na carreira e seus próximos projetos. Além disso, o cantor também brincou sobre a ideia de entrar na plataforma de conteúdo adulto. #TVFama

I’m Trying To Share How I’m Feeling After His Affair But My Spouse Won’t Listen

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had an affair with one of our friends. To say that I am devastated is honestly underestimating what I feel. I feel betrayed by both of them. My husband insists that this was a one time thing and that if I give him a chance, he will make this up to me. I want for him to go to counseling. And I want a complete overhaul of our marriage. If I don’t have these things, then I am never going to feel secure. I want to talk to my husband about this, but when I attempt to bring this up, he changes the subject or he will listen briefly and then say that we can’t solve all of our problems with just one conversation. I am not expecting this, but if we are going to make it, then we are going to need to have a lot of conversations in our future. If he is unwilling to listen to me, then I am not sure if I want to hang around only to be ignored. Is there any way that I can get him to listen to me?”

When Your Friend Is Having an Affair

Affairs are not a common thing, but they are huge problems. You may not be able to control your guilty friend, but there are a few tactics that can enable you to get inside their head and help them do what’s best.

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