Luciana Gimenez e Rico Melquiades ajudam a mulherada encontrar um novo amor | Vai Dar Namoro

Antes de conhecerem seus pretendentes, Rodrigo Faro fez uma brincadeira e jogou uma cantada barata em uma das meninas que estão em busca de um par romântico. E para ajudar na missão de encontrar um novo amor, as garotas vão contar com os conselhos amoroso do já veterano Rico Melquiades e da apresentadora Luciana Gimenez. Os pretendentes que se derem mal irão para o aeroporto do Vai Dar Namoro!

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Cope With Affair Obsessions

So many individuals are currently trying to get over infidelity, but they have problems doing so. This is because getting over infidelity isn’t exactly easy. They say that time heals the pain, but really, once you have been cheated on, that thought will always remain in the back of your head.

What Does The Other Woman Feel When A Man Returns To His Marriage?

“When I first found out about my husband’s affair, I had a very strong, and a very scary, reaction. I kicked him out of our home and I told him that I never wanted to see his face again. One day, he came by my work and begged me to have lunch. I promised ten minutes of coffee. My husband wants to save our marriage. I told him I can’t give him any guarantees. He told me that even so, he is going to break it off with the other woman. He said that even without any promises, he wanted to give our marriage the best chance possible. He is going to counseling on his own. The other woman actually left a letter in my mail box. I tore it up and I never looked at it. I find myself wondering what she is thinking and feeling. How does the other woman really feel when the husband chooses his wife?”

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