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Handling an Affair? 3 Most Common Mistakes in Reacting to Betrayal

Peace can be yours in the middle of pain, you can help the healing process by taking action. Learn how to profit from the pain. You can experience the excitement of healing when your heart isn’t filled with anger, hatred and growing bitterness.

Taking A Spare Driver – Distorting The True Meaning Of Love

Add to that another common expression about love, “One man’s wife could be another man’s lover.” As we all know, a “spare driver” isn’t the main driver. He is the assistant driver. His services will only be needed if the main driver is indisposed. In the above scenario, these women’s husbands are to be considered the “main drivers” and their cheating partners the “spare drivers”. To be sure, there is nothing like a “spare lover” and a “main lover” unless one doesn’t understand the true meaning of love.

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