Mãe de Sonia Abrão, Cecília Abrão, falece aos 84 anos

Nesta quarta-feira (25), Sonia Abrão se despediu de sua mãe, Cecília Abrão. Em publicação na sua rede social, Sonia fez um texto comovente agradecendo sua mãe por “cada minuto” de sua vida.

Can I Still Save My Marriage After an Affair?

Marriage is a lifetime commitment. There’s a contract bound when you say “I do” in front of the altar with the one you wish to share your life with.

What To Say To Get Through To Your Wife After You’ve Cheated

Learning what to say to get through to your wife after you’ve cheated on her really can help you save your marriage. It’s much better to take action now to make things right than wait until after you’re divorced and work on ways how to get your ex back instead. Learn what those magic words are and what they can mean for your marriage below.

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