Maiara quase leva tombo e é salva por integrante da equipe: “Vida querendo me derrubar”

A cantora Maiara, da dupla com Maraísa, levou um susto ao quase cair literalmente após uma tropeçada. A cantora estava acenando para fãs quando de repente quase levou um tombo. Em tom de brincadeira, a namorada de Fernando Zor disse: “É a vida querendo me derrubar” #TVFama

Illicit Love Affair: How It Begins

There are always two sides to every story and in each clandestine love affair, one thing is undeniably sure, they leave behind a great deal of pain and trauma. The reasons why spouses violate the bonds of fidelity can be varied and may sound justifiable in some circumstances; however, they need to remember that their marriage is meant to be cherished and not broken by an adventurous fling with someone else.

Smelling Infidelity Out of Your Spouse

With your spouse’s sudden change of behavior and attitude, do you smell something fishy? Do you feel like your spouse is having extramarital affairs?

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