Mais de R$ 60 mil? Dandara fala sobre fantasia para desfile da Salgueiro: “Segredo”

Em entrevista ao ‘TV Fama’, a atriz Dandara falou um pouco sobre o processo para desfilar pela Salgueiro, inclusive detalhes sobre o traje que usará como musa da escola. #TVFama

Building Trust After an Affair – Transparency Is The Key

Are you finding the perfect way to get that trust back from your partner? It may seem unlikely, but transparency might just be the answer. Relationship expert Dr. Franz Gunzburg, in his book entitled “How to Survive an Affair,” mentioned that transparency is the key to building trust after an affair.

How To Recover After An Affair – Three Helpful Phases You Should Expect To Encounter

Perhaps the real reason for couples to find a way on how to recover after an affair is that their bond of marriage is more than just a fragile rope which can be easily unknotted by mere extramarital affairs. If you and your husband finally talked to one another and decided that you will both save the relationship, then the two of you must be aware of the three phases that you’ll face before the current storm finally abates – and you need to go through this together as one.

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