Mamma Bruschetta sobre luta contra o câncer: “Saberei se estarei curada daqui uns anos”

A apresentadora Mamma Bruschetta bateu um papo com o TV Fama e falou sobre a sua participação em um filme. Além disso, Bruschetta, que em 2019 foi diagnosticada com câncer, comentou a respeito do tratamento e a regressão da doença: “Saberei daqui uns anos se estarei curada”

Have Trust Issues Since Your Husband Cheated or Had An Affair? These Insights Might Help

I recently heard from a wife who described this struggle this way: “Ever since I found out about my husband’s affair, I’ve pretty much suspected everyone of wrong doing. My husband kept the affair a secret for six months. I’ve known the woman he cheated on me with for years. She knows me intimately and yet she went behind my back and cheated with my husband. Not only this, but mutual friends knew about this and kept it a secret. Even the waitress at our favorite restaurant knew what was going on and yet no one said anything whatsoever to me. I feel so betrayed on so many levels. And I feel like most people will smile while lying right to your face. I find myself distrusting people who have given me no reason whatsoever to doubt them. I am constantly worrying that good and kind people are lying to me. I know that this is so silly but I can’t seem to help it. What can I do about these trust issues since my husband’s affair. Do they ever go away?”

Emotional Affair Recovery – A Brief Overview

Although it may seem impossible at first, emotional affair recovery is doable. It may not come as quickly as you would like for it to, but you will eventually be able to heal and move on.

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