Marcos Mion testa positivo para Covid-19 e cancela gravações: “Chegou minha vez”

Marcos Mion anunciou em suas redes sociais que foi diagnosticado com Covid-19. Em uma sequência de vídeos, o apresentador contou detalhes.

“É, chegou minha vez…e como sempre sou transparente com vocês, agora não poderia ser diferente. Se você ainda não tomou nenhuma ou não voltou para os reforços, faça isso o quanto antes”, disse o artista. Confira!

My Spouse Doesn’t See The Point Of Going To Counseling After The Affair

“I believe that the only chance that we have to make our marriage work after my husband’s affair is working with a good counselor. I already know of such a person. One of my coworkers used a therapist with fabulous results. But my husband is all but refusing to go. He says that therapists always make the cheater out to be the flawed, bad guy. He says it is going to cost tons of money. He says he doesn’t want to sit there and hear what an awful person he is while I gloat about it. He told me that he will share his feelings and his motivations with me alone and that this should be good enough. He says that between the two of us, we are smart enough to get through this without bringing outsiders into our marriage. So I have tried it his way. But when he makes these revelations, I don’t know how to respond to them or follow up – which is why I feel we need some help. Honestly, I do not think that I will be satisfied without the counseling.”

I Called My Cheating Husband Horrible Names For His Infidelity And Now He’s Angry

“I totally admit it. I called my husband awful things – ‘stupid’, ‘idiot.” I mean, I really let the curse words fly. And I never swear during normal times. But I was enraged. I just heard these things come flying out of my mouth. At the time, I did not even regret them. This is truly how I felt about my husband. But now he is trying to use this against me. He is saying that one reason he cheated was that I always say disrespectful things about him. And he says on the day that I caught him cheating, I was ‘verbally abusive.’ Now this is just absolute nonsense. There have been times when we have fought when I told my husband that he was ‘stupid’ or ‘idiotic,’ but I did not call him those things. And he has said the same or even worse to me. The ‘verbally abusive’ line is absolutely laughable. That is not a phrase that I would ever use to describe myself. I think he’s just looking for a way to put the blame onto me. How do I address this?”

Nine Signs of an Emotional Affair

When comparing an emotional affair to a physical affair, there are many factors to look at. According to leading infidelity expert Dr. Shirley P. Glass, 82% of affairs occur with someone who begins as only “just a friend.” She suggests that these types of relationships are worth exploring due to the question: how does someone have an emotional affair?

How to Ensure You Hire an Ethical Private Investigator

From gathering evidence for a divorce case to offering fraud investigation services, private investigators are becoming an increasingly popular option for businesses and people from all walks of life. Not only are individuals hiring these professionals for their investigative skills, but law firms and even employers are now using these services to help get results.

If I’m Only Looking For Closure, Should I Contact The Other Woman Or Mistress?

“For the past three months, my husband and I have been trying to begin the healing process after his affair. Very slowly, I feel that we are beginning to make some progress. However, I am still very bothered about thoughts of the other woman. She works with my husband. My son plays baseball with her son also so I also occasionally see her at the ball park. I have begun to entertain the idea of talking to her, or at least writing her a letter. I want her to have to look me in the eye and tell me just why she thought it was OK to cheat with another woman’s husband. I could easily wait outside of her office at the end of the day or I could approach her at the ball park. And if I lost my nerve with that, I could always send her an email or a letter. I am starting to believe that I need to contact her in order to get closure, but my best friend says that no good can come from opening this particular can of worms. Is she right?”

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