Marilene Saade, esposa de Stênio, fala sobre vídeo polêmico: “Ordem médica”

A esposa de Stênio Garcia, Marilene Saade, abriu o jogo sobre o vídeo polêmico em que ela retira o marido de uma entrevista por ele estar sem máscara. A esposa disse que não fez por mal e estava apenas seguindo uma ordem médica. “Ele jurou que não iria tirar”.

What’s My Husband’s Attraction To The Other Woman He Cheated With?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had an affair with a coworker. I sort of know this other woman from company picnics and from coming by the office and I just do not understand. She is older. She is a bit overweight. She’s not that bright. I certainly would not call her pretty. I can not imagine what attracted my husband to her. Not to brag about myself, but I am young, cute, intelligent, and I earn a good living. This woman is dumpy, dull, and in a supportive work role. What could he possibly see in her? What is the attraction?”

Are Women Better Cheaters Than Men?

Are Women Better Cheaters Than Men? Some might argue yes as women tend to cheat for different reasons than men. I did not feel secure or respected in my relationship, the opportunity was there, it was exciting to name a few. In this article learn why women are more clever at cheating than men.

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