Marina Ferrari e Rico Melquíades ajudam meninas a encontrar um pretendente | Vai Dar Namoro

“Não sei se vocês são cimento, mas hoje ‘nóis quer’ algo concreto”, disse Rodrigo Faro ao começar a apresentação do Vai Dar Namoro. A finalista da Fazenda, Marina Ferrari e o vencedor do reality, Rico Melquiades são os conselheiros amorosos do programa de hoje (26) e vão ajudar as meninas a conquistar os pretendentes. Desta vez, os candidatos que não forem escolhidos serão mandados para a padaria, que tem até xícara de café e pão bolorento. Acompanhe!

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The Affair Has Been Over For A While And I Still Can’t Forgive – How Can I Hurry It Along?

“My husband had an affair about four months ago. It still feels so very raw. I still hurt so much. It seems that day after day passes and things just don’t feel that different. A friend of mine said that she thinks that it would help me to let go if I could forgive my husband. I potentially agree with this. But every time I try to even think about forgiving him, then I just freeze up. And I wonder if perhaps I’m not ready because the anger is still there. The confusion is still there. But I do believe that if I could swing it, then it could help me. My husband and I are having our ten year anniversary in about six months. I’m wondering if it is too much to ask for me to be able to forgive him by then. How long does it generally take forgive and is there anything that I can do in order to forgive more quickly?”

Why Your Wife Is Cheating?

The number of people who cheat on their partner is quite surprising. Many men are surprised to discover that the number of women who cheat is almost equal to the number of men who cheat.

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