Mateus recebe mais prêmios e revê o filho e a mãe

Depois de viver um período de grande emoção em São Paulo, com direito a homenagens por ter aceitado doar uma parte do fígado para o menino Derik, o cabeleireiro Mateus recebeu mais prêmios em dinheiro e ficou perto de realizar o sonho de ter uma casa própria. Le ainda viveu a emoção de reencontrar a mãe e o filho. Veja como foi!

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Establishing Trust and Fixing a Relationship After an Affair

When someone you love cheats on you, you might feel that it’s the end of the world. You become so emotional that your logic gets clouded. Keep in mind that a one-time slip is a lot different than serial cheating. One-time offenders often regret what they have done and are willing to do everything just to prove that they are worth trusting again. So what do you do when fixing a relationship after an affair?

Tips in Rebuilding and Saving a Relationship After Infidelity

Trust is a big part of any relationship and it is so painful when somebody chooses to break the trust you have freely given. So how do you go about saving a relationship after infidelity?

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