Maycon Balbino sobre o mundo sertanejo: “Eu acho que ainda tem muito que evoluir”

Durante o FamaCast, o cantor Maycon Balbino comenta sobre as barreiras que existem no mundo sertanejo e qual delas já foram quebradas. E durante o bate-papo revela também como é a relação com seu público LGBTQIA+.

If You Think Your Spouse is Cheating Please Read This

I am writing this article for the men and women who suspect they are victims of a cheating spouse. In this article I want to share with you exactly how you can catch a cheater without spending hundreds of dollars on “spy” equipment or private investigators.

When You Can’t Forgive Your Cheating Husband

I often get emails from wives who tell me that although they’ve endlessly tried to forgive their husband’s cheating, infidelity, or affair, they’ve just not been able to. Many confess this as though it’s an awful kind of failure that’s caused by some place where they fell short. And, many assume that since they can’t forgive, they won’t be able to save the marriage or even to move on in a healthy way. This is upsetting because the wives act as if they’ve done something wrong or that forgiveness is an indication of a “good” or well adjusted person.

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