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Your Life After Infidelity

Infidelity is generally a symptom of a major problem in a relationship. In most cases, an incident of infidelity is very difficult to recover from. Repairing the damage to a relationship is as difficult as repairing the level of trust that has been compromised. However, it can be very helpful to understand that the incident(s) of cheating is usually directly connected to some very major issues in the relationship that deserve some serious consideration.

How To Cope With Marital Infidelity

Why is it more difficult to cope with marital difficulty than with a pre-marital infidelity? Infidelity is a word that evokes strong feelings in anyone. Betraying the trust of someone who loved you is considered a sin. An act of infidelity that takes place in a marriage is much more serious than the one that takes place in a premarital relationship of love.

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