MC Gui se diz arrependido, mas afirma não sentir falta de Bia Michelle: “Já tem outras consolando”

Após ser pego em flagrante em um motel com outra mulher pela esposa Bia Michelle, MC Gui diz estar arrependido. Porém, deixa claro que não está com o coração em pedaços: “Já tem outras consolando” #TVFama

Save Your Marriage After Cheating – This Simple Tip Will Make Your Spouse Stay

Want to know a tip that works like a charm to save your marriage after cheating? Even if your spouse isn’t talking to you and you’re sleeping on the couch, it’s possible that you can make your marriage work after you’ve been caught cheating. Keep reading, all the way to the very end, in order to get the goods.

The Cheating Wife

While the standard moral consensus is that cheating is absolutely wrong, the cheating spouse may not entirely be to blame for the larger problem the cheating is a symptom of. One must remember that a relationship is a two-sided effort from both participants.

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