MC Guimê e Cara de Sapato serão investigados pela Polícia Civil do Rio, diz Fefito

MC Guimê e Cara de Sapato serão investigados pela Polícia do Rio de Janeiro por possível crime de importunação sexual. Os dois, que deixaram o confinamento nesta quinta-feira (16) deverão prestar esclarecimentos aos agentes públicos #TVFama

6 Key Steps to Infidelity, Facts on Why Infidelity Is Not an Accidental Slip Up

Infidelity does not just happen. It is planned and executed in 6 steps.

Finding Out Reasons Men Have Affairs

Fidelity is a complex thing – and for many couples, it can be a sticking point, even early in a relationship. For a woman in love, either as a girlfriend or as the wife of a man who may be cheating, it can be hard to understand why he would do something like that.

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