Mc Loma desabafa sobre dificuldades no início da gravidez: “Precise ficar de repouso”

Grávida, Mc Loma abriu o coração para o ‘TV FAMA’ e desabafou sobre as dificuldades que enfrentou durante os primeiros meses de gravidez. A cantora de 19 anos, espera sua primeira filha que está prevista para nascer em setembro deste ano.

“Foi uma turbulência, agora deu um acalmada mas no começo foi bem tenso porque eu tive um deslocamento de placenta e precisei ficar de repouso. Agora, já estou podendo viver normal”, contou a artista. Confira! #TVFAMA

Will Your Marriage Never Be As Intimate Again After The Affair?

“I feel a loss of many things after my husband’s affair. But I refuse to let this destroy my marriage and my family and, thankfully, my husband agrees. I know that we are going to make it simply because we both refuse to let go. But what about the intimacy? The one thing that I have always adored about my marriage is that my husband and I were so close emotionally. He knows me better than anyone else. He knows what I am thinking before I do. We could often communicate without any words passing between us. I always knew that he had my back. Well now, even though I know that we will stay together, the relationship has changed. We only discuss small talk. We no longer have whispered conversations at night or laugh. We talk only when we have to. We are polite to one another. We are both trying. But I have this awful sense that we are never going to get the intimacy back and that breaks my heart more than the affair ever did. Is it ever really the same? People say that it can be, but I really don’t believe it.”

I Had An Affair And Have Decided To Return To My Marriage, But I Have Some Doubts

“I am embarrassed to say that I am the spouse who cheated. The affair is something that very much caught me off guard. I admit that I got caught up in it, and I used to fantasize that, once my kids were grown, that I could be with the other man. Of course, I got sloppy and complacent and my husband eventually caught me. Rightly so, he demanded that the affair end or that I leave. I could not end the affair immediately. I had become too dependent on the other man, so I left. Looking back, I can not believe that I did this. I left my children for a man. It’s so embarrassing and shameful. Anyway, it took me about two weeks to realize what a stupid mistake I had made. I did love the other man, but not as much as my children. So I contacted my husband and asked if I could move back home. He reluctantly agreed. So here we are. I’m present and I’m trying. But if I’m being honest, I’m not really here emotionally. My heart is still with the other man. Am I always going to be this miserable?”

Infidelity Made Me Realize That I’m Not Truly In Love With My Spouse Anymore

“I’m sorry to say that my affair is over. I know that this sounds horrible and that it shows what a bad person I am. But the affair changed something inside of me. It showed me how I want to live my life. It showed me that I was sort of just sleep walking through my life. I never want to live that way again. I want to embrace life. Experiencing the feelings that I felt for the other man made me realize just how much I absolutely no longer love my husband. I know that it would make the most sense for me to try to save my marriage since the other man went back to his wife and has cut off all contact with me. But I just don’t think that I can do this. I realize that I don’t love my husband anymore and I suspect that I never really did. I married him because he’s a good, solid person but not because I was desperately in love with him. I have recently felt what that type of love feels like, and I now realize that this is not what I had with my husband.”

The Tragic Story Of Reema

Reema Iqbal was born in the summer of 1985, in Pakistan. She was raised in a large house hold with many siblings; her father was an Engineer. Reema was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, when growing up she had everything she ever desired and lived a very happy life. She had three older brothers that were quite strict and extremely over protective of her and their other sisters.

What Happens When You Leave Your Marriage For The Other Person In An Affair?

“I don’t want it to sound like ending my marriage is something that I take lightly. It isn’t. This is heart-wrenching for me and I know that whatever route I choose, it is going to hurt in some capacity. I honestly did try to end the affair and go back to my marriage. I did make an honest attempt at that. But it was a disaster. Because I was always thinking of the other man. I wasn’t really present when I was with my husband. I just could not help it. So I have made the very hard decision to leave my marriage to pursue this other man. And the affair relationship is not even a sure thing. Because the other man is trying to save his marriage with his wife. However, I suspect that as soon as he knows that I am available, he will choose me. And, I just can’t see any other way – even with the risk. I can not be happy without him. And I’m willing to risk everything for the chance of being with him. So, now I am wondering what are realistic expectations with this? What am I looking at moving forward?”

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