Menino que precisa de transplante de fígado encontra herói para salvar sua vida

Derik é um menino de mora no Maranhão e estava há dois anos na fila do transplante de fígado que poderia salvar sua vida. A história dele foi contada no Domingo Espetacular e ele encontrou um herói. Trata-se de Mateus, um cabeleireiro que mora em Macapá (AP) e aceitou doar seu órgão para o menino que nem conhecia.

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My Wife Is Cheating On Me – What Should I Do? 5 Tips

Finding that first piece of rock-solid evidence or receiving that first tip-off from a friend that your wife is cheating on you can feel like a cold stab to the heart. If you have learned or suspect that your wife is cheating on you, here are 5 tips for figuring out what your next move should be.

Why Did My Husband Confess His Affair? 3 Possible Reasons

If it comes to light that there has been an affair in your marriage, it can wreak havoc on the relationship in very short order. When one member of the couple tells the other about a one-time or ongoing affair, you can almost hear the snapping of the bonds of trust that hold the relationship together. If you are wondering, “Why did my husband confess his affair?”, here are 3 possible reasons.

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