Mileide Mihaile sobre estrear como rainha de bateria: “Muita responsabilidade”

Em entrevista exclusiva ao ’TV Fama’, Mileide Mihaile falou sobre a responsabilidade de desfilar no carnaval de São Paulo como rainha de bateria. De acordo com a influenciadora, é “muita responsabilidade” que chega a dar um “friozinho na barriga”. #TVFama

Can You Save Your Marriage After an Affair? 5 Positive Signs to Look For

Infidelity need not bring the end of a marriage. Many couples find it impossible to stay together and rebuild their relationship. But there are others who stay together after an affair build a successful marriage. How can you tell if you will be one of the lucky ones? Here are 5 positive signs to look out for.

Don’t Get Blindsided by a Cheating Partner

A cheating in a relationship or marriage is a hard incident to recover from, but don’t make a mistake, there is still hope.  Just because one partner decided to be unfaithful that doesn’t mean the relationship has to end.  You must be honest with yourself and if there is a chance for forgiveness then it may be worth staying together even after a cheating.

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